Company Information: This website ( is operated by FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, a South African investment firm, authorized and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa with Financial Service Provider (FSP) license number 51766. FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD is located at registered address Block 1 Constantia view office esta, hogback ave, Randburg, Gauteng, 1709 South Africa. FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD owns and operates the “VestoFX” brand. FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD and EVBX LTD belong to the same Group of Companies. EVBX LTD (ex Vstar & Soho Markets Limited) is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission with CIF license number 409/22.

Risk warning: Contracts for difference (“CFDs”), are financial instruments which carry a high risk of losing all invested capital due to the fact that they are complex financial products. Trading in CFDs, includes trading with leverage and can lead to the loss of all balance held within your trading account fast. Please keep in mind that leverage in such financial instruments may be advantageous or detrimental. Also, it is crucial to know that a contract for difference gives no right of ownership to the underlying assets. Past performance is not a reliable source for future results and forecasts do not constitute a reliable indicator of future performance. It is essential to know that trading in CFDs is not appropriate for all investors and prior deciding to trade, you should thoroughly consider whether your level of experience, investment objectives and risk tolerance is able to endure the high risk of trading. In no event you should deposit more funds than you are prepared to lose. You should ensure that you understand all risks associated with trading in CFDs and seek independent advice, if necessary. Please read our Risk Disclosure document.

FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD applies strict measures in line with anti-spam regulations by avoiding unsolicited advertising. Please read our Privacy Policy document.

Regional Restrictions:  FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD does not offer services within the European Economic Area as well as in certain other jurisdictions such as the South Africa, USA, British Columbia, Canada and some other regions.

FAIRMONT FINANCIAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD is NOT a financial adviser and does not issue advice, recommendations or opinions in relation to acquiring, holding or disposing of any financial product.

Risk Warning

Trading in CFDs carry a high level of risk to your capital due to the volatility of the underlying market. These products may not be suitable for all investors. Therefore, you should ensure that you understand the risks and seek advice from an independent and suitably licensed financial advisor.

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